Renuka's profile photo

Hi, my name is

Renuka Prasad

I am a|

I bring ideas to life with code

Who am I?

My name is Renuka Prasad, usually goes by Renu.

An accomplished full stack developer with expertise in developing responsive, accessible, and scalable websites using Next Js and React JS. Experience with enterprise clients in the US and reputed unicorns in India. I'm a strong communicator with proven ability for effectively collaborating across cross-functional teams and delivering results. I'm also passionate author who writes tech blogs and documents to learn and share with fellow developer community.




Full Stack Web Development

Masai School


Bachelor of Business Administration

Sri Sai Baba National


Akasa Air

Akasa Air
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Next JSTailwindTypeScript
A B2C airline ticketing website built in Next.JS and Headless CMS for Akasa AirRoles and responsibilities:
  • CMS Architecture
  • Unit Test Integration
  • Front-end Engineering


View project buttonView code button
Next JSTailwindTypeScript
A Sass for internal tool development for businesses, helps to streamline operations, automate processes, and integrate multiple apps and data.Roles and responsibilities:
  • Page Schema Automation
  • Technical SEO Enhancements

Personal Portfolio

Personal Portfolio
View project buttonView code button
Next JSTailwindTypeScript
A portfolio to showcase my skills, experience, and projects.Roles and responsibilities:
  • Dev Ops
  • Tech stack Migration
  • Front-end Engineering

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